Do not close-close, the whale shark is not a Pet. ..

Hiu Paus

Do not close-close, the whale shark is not a Pet. ..

After stroking Your cat, dog, or other pet that is not endangered. But the whale shark (whale shark) is a wild animal. Never mind the petted, swam with him it is a rule.

Recently, netizen shocked by posting a photo of a tour operator Instagram account in Berau, East Kalimantan. It appears one of the participants of the tour-the fun tengkurap above a large buoy aka floatie-stroking the head of a whale shark.

Not only that, it appears some other photos that show the interactions fair between man and whale shark. Nothing seemed to bottom of head petted the whale shark, whale shark fins, holds up a whale shark

Whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is a species of shark in the world, with the body length reaches 20 meters when mature. Indonesia had some spot a whale shark, among others, Talisayan (Berau, Kaltim), Bay Kwatisore (National Park-paradise, Papua), and Botubarani (Bone Belango, Indonesia).

In Indonesia, the whale shark is the animal that is protected in full. It is based on the decision of the Minister of marine and Fisheries of INDONESIA number 18/KEPMEN-KP/2013 about the determination of the Status of the protection of the whale shark (Rhincodon typus).

However, the whale shark that looked "benign" and often appeared on the surface of the sea make the tourists want to interact more. In fact, the whale shark tour had its own rules.

"It cannot be denied, touched a whale shark is still often done by tourists. It can harm both on whale sharks as well as tourists themselves, "said Project Leader Whale Shark Indonesia, Mahardika Rizki to KompasTravel, Tuesday (17/6/2016).

There are at least two risks when tourists touch or ride a whale shark. First, the slap of a tail of a whale shark strong enough and high risk when the body hit the tourists. Second, plakoid scales from sharks whales sharp textured so that it can hurt the body.

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